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Dynamically Populating Parameters in Manual GitHub Action
- Authors
- Name
- Jeevan Wijerathna
- @iamjeevanvj
When manually running a GitHub Action with configured choice parameters, it's ideal to have the values dynamically generated and displayed in a drop-down menu. This can be accomplished by creating a GitHub Action that updates the parameters in the YAML file of the main action whenever changes are pushed.
GitHub Action to Update YAML File
Here is a GitHub Action designed to populate the option values:
name: 'Populate option values'
on: push: branches: - 'main'
jobs: eslint: name: Populate Option Values runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Check out Code uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
- name: Run Populator run: ./scripts/populate-option-value.sh
- name: Commit Changes run: | if git diff --quiet; then echo "ℹ️ No new Component names to update" else git config --global user.email "${{ github.actor }}@email.com }}" git config --global user.name "${{ github.actor }}" git status git add .github/workflows/release-it.yml git commit -m "✅ Populated option values" git push fi
Note: You'll need to create a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with push permissions, as the default GitHub PAT does not allow changes to be pushed from the GitHub Action. This should be configured as a secret in your repository.
Populator Script
A script is used to read the current parameter values, compare them to the dynamic values, and update the YAML file if they differ:
Note: here I use yq
to manipulate YAML. Further you need to allow GH Action to run the script otherwise you will get Permision Denied
error when run Action.
git update-index --chmod=+x your_script.sh
SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )SOURCE_YAML_FILE="$SCRIPT_DIR/../.github/workflows/target-action.yml"
# dynamically generate values.# ex. could read repository or file to get valuesOPTIONS=(major minor patch prerelease)
current_options=$(yq eval '.on.workflow_dispatch.inputs.version.options' $SOURCE_YAML_FILE )
current_options_array=()while read -r word; do current_options_array+=("$word")done <<< "$current_options"
declare -a output_array=()
for i in $OPTIONS; do output_array+=("$i")done
# Check if the values in the arrays are equalif [[ "${current_options_array[*]}" == "${output_array[*]}" ]]; then echo "Values in YAML file are equal to values in array. No update needed."else echo "Values in YAML file are not equal to values in array. Updating YAML file." # Construct YAML-compatible string options_string="["
for option in "${output_array[@]}"; do options_string+="\\"$option\\", " done
options_string="${options_string%, }]"
yq eval ".on.workflow_dispatch.inputs.version.options = $options_string" $SOURCE_YAML_FILE > temp.yml && mv temp.yml $SOURCE_YAML_FILEfi
The action file with the choice parameter might look like this:
name: 'Release'on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: version: type: choice options: - 'major' - 'minor' required: true default: 'patch'jobs: release: runs-on: [ubuntu-latest] name: Release it environment: NPM_Feed steps: - name: Check out Code uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0
When the populator action is triggered (any changes pushed to the branch), it will execute the script, populate the target action YAML, and create a commit pushing the changes. The updated YAML might look like this:
name: 'Release'on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: version: type: choice options: - 'major' - 'minor' - 'patch' - 'prerelease' required: true default: 'patch'jobs: release: runs-on: [ubuntu-latest] name: Release it steps: - name: Check out Code uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 .......
This strategy allows for dynamic population of choice parameters in your GitHub Actions.