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Software Developer


Managing Multiple Java Versions in Azure DevOps Pipeline on Windows Server 2019 with Visual Studio 2019 Build Agent

How to use multiple Java versions in an Azure DevOps pipeline with a Windows Server 2019 and Visual Studio 2019 build agent

Dynamically Populating Parameters in Manual GitHub Action

How to dynamically populate option values in manual GitHub Action parameters. It uses a GitHub Action designed to update the YAML file of the main action whenever changes are pushed to the branch. It also uses a script to read the current parameter values, compare them to the dynamic values, and update the YAML file if they differ. This strategy allows for real-time updates and dynamic population of choice parameters in your GitHub Actions.

Structured logging in C#

Go beyond traditional logging and make logs usefull

What is synthetic monitoring?

Imagine having a robotic helper that constantly tests your apps to ensure they work perfectly for your customers. That is synthetic monitoring. It simulates user actions to check performance of the app, like a robot testing different parts of a car. It differs from real user monitoring, which relies on actual user interactions to gather data.

Should we Unit Test Private Methods?

The discussion about whether to test private methods in software development is ongoing, and most experts suggest avoiding it in favor of testing isolated parts of code, as highlighted in this post about C#.